
production still from And In Her It Danced: An Inheritance (70 min, 2013)

production still from And In Her It Danced: An Inheritance (70 min, 2013)

Currently in production: 

Completed films:

  • Bountiful Borrego! (9 min, mockumentary) a faux travel/nature/survival show that absurdizes the academic & art worlds’ ignorance of our physical environment
  • Relevance! (7 min, tragicomedy) a heartwarming satire of art academia and the obsolescent role of the classicist within it. “A classical composer who pays his bills teaching music theory learns that arts academia jobs are as “publish or perish” as any others, and then some.”
  • Dress Rehearsal (13 min, drama) A young dancer, depressed by the career repercussions of her broken arm, is snapped back to reality when her self-destructive gesture accidentally hurts her perky, doting housemate.
  • On Seeing And Being Seen (4 min, minimalist documentary) a feminist filming of the male gaze on topless protesters at Slutwalk NYC
  • How To Open A Young Coconut and Walk Upon The Beach (8 min, experimental) a queer polyamorous love poem + a spellbinding music video + a failed raw foodist culinary demo
  • Eden’s Carpet (5 min, minimalist ghost narrative music video) of chicken coops and sex metaphor lullabies
  • Try To Have Fun (experimental short) a very effortful endeavor, a successful jouissance, a strained laugh, a scheduled vacation
  • The Domesty (experimental short) a symphony of comfort produced by the familiar sounds of home after a private tragedy
  • Attila the Cat Has Caught A Mouse (3 min, stylized cat video) endearing the masses with iphone and Chopin
  • Go Teach! (5 min, silent farce) a teacher gets stuck in a classroom while preparing for his first class of the semester–that’s all! it’s funny! (this was the first and last time I worked with a linear narrative…)
  • Hanger Theater (2 min, experimental photoessay + violin free improv solo)

All films written and directed by Storm Garner, except Bountiful Borrego! which was co-written by Hannah Felt Garner, who also stars in it.

All films produced by Garner Sis. Productions, Inc.

Long haunted by the ephemeral nature of live performance, but undeniably formed as a storyteller by her vivid experiences in experimental theater, music, and performance art, Storm Garner has been studying film and video art at Columbia University since 2010, hoping to someday master a more archivable medium. She works regularly in independent film in NYC as a screenwriter, script doctor, production designer, art director, composer, music consultant, producer, and of course actor–in short: she enjoys helping her fellow filmmakers realize their storytelling dreams however she can, connecting talented artists to one another, and continuously learning from a diverse set of creative processes.
